Correct and early weight loss diet is important not only for the prevention of malignant diseases, but also has a positive effect on the treatment process. Proper nutrition before, during and after oncology therapy allows the patient to feel better and be stronger, and includes an adequate intake of nutrients that differs from the needs of a healthy person. This is precisely why, according to all relevant oncological guidelines, nutritional therapy is a necessary part of treatment, but unfortunately, patients who are not adequately cared for and who, somewhat ironically, die of malnutrition instead of the underlying disease. It is important to note that the malignant disease itself through the release of active molecules from the tumor, and oncology treatment can negatively affect the nutritional status of the patient. They can affect the taste, smell, appetite, the ability to swallow and absorb food in the intestine, with increased breakdown of muscles and proteins already at the start due to the activity of the disease. Poor nutritional status can cause fatigue, weakness and the inability to defend against infections, all of which can ultimately lead to the inability to apply active oncological treatment and a worse patient outcome. You can read about the influence of nutrition on the development of cancer atlink, and be sure to visit ours as wellblog where in the "Nutrition" section you can find a large number of articles dealing with certain aspects of nutrition in oncology patients.
Keeping in mind the importance of nutritional support for oncology patients, which must be an integral part of treatment, the onkologija.net team includes an accredited nutritionistSandra Krstev Barac. In cooperation with an oncologist and a nutritionist, we want to help you with practical instructions and advice for nutrition. In addition to basic education, we will introduce you to new trends in nutrition for oncology patients, all in accordance with your diagnosis, stage of the disease, degree of malnutrition and other associated diseases. For all patients, an individualized diet plan can be created for a shorter or longer period of time. If necessary, we will also prescribe nutritional supplements in order to contribute to the fastest possible recovery of the nutritional status or to prevent its deterioration. We use only validated evaluation questionnaires and guidelines of major oncology societies.
To arrange an appointment for nutritional assessment and therapy,contact us.